Thursday, March 6, 2025

90 years of stock and bond returns: And does inflation really matter?

Modern reporting on stock market performance began in 1926. The stock market data in this text is labeled S&P 500, although the S&P 500 as an index didn’t technically exist in 1926. However, Standard and Poor’s was already in business by then, and researchers have been compiling a consistent data series since that point.

Similarly, there’s data for 20-year U.S. Treasury bonds going back to 1926. These are longer maturities than we’d prefer, but we will only use the info we’ve got. Let’s take a take a look at stock and bond returns since 1934 to see what patterns emerge.

We will use this information and begin our evaluation in 1934, covering 90 years of monthly data from 1934 to 2023.

Our primary interest is the performance of stock and bond investments. We need to know which stocks and bonds have produced returns since 1934 and the way stable those returns have been.

Why do we would like to know? Examining the ups and downs of the stock and bond markets up to now might help us understand what to anticipate from the markets in the long run, especially with regard to the variability of returns.

The simplest measure of return is the common.

Calculating the common return

There are at the very least two ways to calculate average returns. One of them is the arithmetic average. We simply add up all of the monthly, quarterly or annual returns and divide the result by the variety of months, quarters or years.

The second value is known as the geometric average. This is the return that adds as much as the whole return over the period we’re studying.

In this instance, we start with an investment of $100. In the primary yr, we assume a ten percent increase. The value of the investment drops by 40% within the second yr. In the third yr, a 30% increase reverses the direction of our hypothetical investment.

Calculation of the arithmetic average over three years:

10% – 40% + 30% = 0%

0% ÷ 3 = 0%

In this instance, $100 will still be $100 after three years, but is that correct?

The following tables illustrate the actual returns and the geometric average (approx. -5%) over three years:

$100 becomes $85.80 after three years if one uses the more accurate geometric average.

As you’ll be able to see, the geometric mean is way more accurate than the arithmetic mean, so I’ll use it to any extent further.

Here are the monthly, quarterly and annual returns for stocks and bonds.

  1. The longer the investment period, the upper the common return. Investments have more time to grow.
  2. Average stock returns exceed average bond returns (are about twice as high).

These are the outcomes for returns in dollar terms. While it’s true that we’re spending dollars, dollars from 2023 cannot buy as much as dollars from 1934. If we adjust the returns for inflation and take “real” or purchasing power returns, the outcomes are usually not quite as impressive.

A comparison of nominal (dollar) and real (inflation-adjusted) returns shows that accounting for inflation has a major impact:

For bonds, the decline in returns is larger in percentage terms than for stocks. Real bond returns are only a couple of quarter of nominal returns (1.58%/7.19% = 0.22), while real stock returns are almost half of nominal stock returns (5.19%/11.00% = 0.47).

How much would an investment of $100 in 1934 yield today? The following graph shows the outcomes.

The answer depends upon whether you would like to impress your mates or know the way much you’re getting on your money.

You can tell your mates that should you had began with a $100 stock investment in 1934, you’d have $1,199,360 today. Great! But here’s the $1.2 million query: Compared to 1934, how much purchasing power would that $1.2 million provide you with in 2024?

Only $51,611. Pretty disappointing, right? And you thought you knew the best way to change into a millionaire easily! On the opposite hand, you’d have increased your purchasing power by 516 times – that is so much.

Bonds are the same story. The same $100 invested in bonds in 1934 can be price $9,493 today, but in 1934 purchasing power it might be price only $408. So you’d have roughly quadrupled your purchasing power.

What have we learned to date?

  1. Real returns are (much!) lower than dollar-denominated returns for each stocks and bonds.
  2. If we take inflation under consideration, the proportion decline in bond yields is way larger than in stocks. After one yr, the decline in bond yields is 70% versus 35% for stocks.
  3. The return advantage of stocks over bonds was much larger in purchasing power (real) than in dollar terms (nominal).

Next time we’ll take a look at the correlation between stock and bond returns and the respective inflation effects.

The foregoing content reflects the opinion of Rick Miller and is subject to alter all of sudden. The content provided here is for informational purposes only and shouldn’t be used or construed as investment advice or a advice to purchase or sell any security. There isn’t any guarantee that any statements, opinions or forecasts provided here will prove to be accurate.

Past performance isn’t necessarily an indicator of future results. Indices are usually not available for direct investment. Any investor attempting to copy the performance of an index will incur fees and expenses that reduce returns.

Investing in securities involves risks, including the danger of lack of principal. There isn’t any guarantee that any investment plan or strategy will probably be successful.

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