Saturday, March 1, 2025

Mar-A-Lago Trump and the vault of the gold

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(Editorial note: This is an object of opinion and doesn’t necessarily reflect the views of or his parent company. You also needs to know that this comment was Written on the urging of Elon Muschus – Well, in some way. Last weekend, Musk told a conservative meeting for political motion committee (CPAC) that “Die Linke wanted to make the comedy illegal, you know.” He complained that “you can’t make anything funny” after which said that an unit unit “should” legalize the comedy “. I’m just attempting to do my part.)

You could expect a story of adventure with Harrison Ford, but no. This ripping yarn has the title: “Mar-a-Lago Trump and the vault of the gold.” It shows President Donald Trump and his trustworthy buddy Memus Muschus. This makes it a world endeavor because Musk is a double citizen in South Africa and Canada.

((Editorial note: The reference to the president as a “Mar-A-Lago Trump” returns to his home/private club in Florida. Musk’s nickname is his own creation. He referred to himself by said at this CPAC event “I became a meme”. You can display a part of the event by clicking on the link above or searching YouTube. Attention: If you’re insulted by a middle-aged man with an under-sized T-shirt with a chainsaw, it’s possible you’ll wish to take the clip a pass.)

Trump and the vault of the gold – or not

Cue the familiar theme music for the Indiana Jones movies.

Our story begins with an in depth -up of the tip of a red tie that offers way far below the belt of a person in a blue suit. The camera as much as the face of President Trump. Then it increases that Trump holds a lantern. Behind him pushes Elon Muschus right into a wall because he cannot see his sunglasses at nighttime.

Suddenly there may be a loud sound noise, followed by the sound of a huge vaulted openings.

There is a light-weight drop when Trump’s lantern shines on hundreds of gold bars.

What’s really happening

OK. The above might be an excellent opening for a fictional film (Steven Spielberg – call me!), But it doesn’t explain what’s behind Trump’s promise to examine the gold vault in Fort Knox?

Last week Trump said several times that he would send Muschus or to analyze the gold reserves housed in Fort Knox.

A reporter who flew back to Washington last week asked the President whether Musk would make cuts within the Pentagon.

Either Trump avoided the query or answered her improper and replied that Musk would inspect gold reserves on the military base in Kentucky.

Asked why, said Trump: “To ensure that the gold is there. “”

During a joint press conference with the French President Emmanuel Macron Trump developed Monday

“We actually go to Fort Knox to see if the gold is there,” said Trump, “because someone might have stolen the gold, tons of gold.”

What began the autumn of the disappeared gold

As with many things in Trump, Maga and Doge Worlds – the concept that gold disappears from FT. Knox began with a conspiracy theory on the appropriate radio and podcasts. That was enough for Musk who posted usually over it.

“Anyone who confirms that gold from FT was not stolen. Knox? “Posted musk.

Get a solution Muschus could have asked the Ministry of Finance Secretary Scott Bessent.

“We do it An audit and all of the gold are present and taken into account every year, ”said Bessent in a recent interview.

If a congress member even imparted an invite to go to the vault to call it to plan an inspection.

If that weren’t enough, Musk or Trump could ask Steve Mnuchin who was finance minister through the first Trump government. Mnuchin, several members of the congress after which the governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin, visited the protected in 2017.

Other motifs

The president said that Fort Knox inspection would check whether there was still gold. However, there will be other motifs for such a visit.

Trump’s pay numbers are from the availability A private wedding that was reached at the top of January. At that point, a lot of the traculation surveys showed its equality assessment slightly below 50 percent. The youngest (February 23 – 25) Economist/YouGov survey shows that 47 percent of the respondents take a look at him positively. At the identical time, 50 percent see him unfavorable.

Take a little bit further down within the survey of the economists/YouGov and you will see that Elon Musk is even less popular than Trump. It is positively viewed by 43% of the respondents, while 50% disapproving.

Trump bombasts are sometimes a way of confiscating the political story to distract us from more serious problems. It’s like attempting to distract a cat by dangling a shiny object. And there is no such thing as a shiny object as a gold.

Gold and money

Some people might imagine that our currency is certain to the gold standard. This is the monetary system wherein the worth of the currency is connected to a set value for gold. However, it shouldn’t be. In addition, the gold standard was only employed by the United States until 1971 for brief periods of time. At that point, the federal government ended the flexibility to convert dollars into gold.

If we convert money for gold, we’d should move quickly. That is due to it The Ministry of Finance would have the gold more after only 3.5 percent were redeemedAfter Bullion Vault.

The value of the cash is and shouldn’t be on gold reserves which have been based on gold reserves for a very long time. Money has price it because we consider that it’s price. What really supports money is the “full faith and loan” of the federal government who exhibits it. That is why the US dollar is the monkey standard, against which other currencies are estimated worldwide.

Nothing supports a national currency just like the US dollar like national stability. This appears to be an issue for an administration that threatens the tariffs against our three best trading partners, insults and alienation of our allies, hugging dictators like Vladimir Putin and believing that the federal government’s efficiency means to eliminate state efficiency, work and programs which have thought our long interest for many years.

Why only Fort Knox

If Trump and Musk were really concerned in regards to the gold reserves of the nation, why do they limit their adventures to FT. Knox?

Only about half of the gold reserve, 147.3 million ounces are stored in Fort KnoxAfter the US mint. The rest is held in Facilities across the country from West Point to Denver.

If Trump and/or Musk went to all reserves at the identical time, we couldn’t make sequels for “Mara-Lardo: Trump and the vault of gold”.

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