Saturday, January 25, 2025

Puzzle times three: Scope 3 for finance

Scope 3 disclosures are complex and Category 15 (investments) is an opaque segment that covers emissions resulting from one company’s involvement with one other (i.e. financial transactions).1For most firms, it is a proverbial footnote of their overall emissions profile. Given the unique conceptual and data challenges of Category 15, it isn’t any coincidence that it’s at the underside of the Scope 3 catalogue.

However, for financial institutions, financial transactions are their core business, which is why Category 15 emissions are a critical a part of their overall emissions disclosures.

Financed and facilitated emissions

Three key challenges

To improve their reporting rate, financial institutions must address three key challenges in disclosing their financed and supported emissions.

First, unlike other Scope 3 categories, the framework for reporting financed and facilitated emissions is in some ways evolving and incomplete. The accounting rules for financed emissions were only finalised by the PCAF in 2020 and adopted by the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol – the worldwide standard setter for greenhouse gas accounting.5 These codify the accounting rules for banks, asset managers, asset owners and insurance firms. Rules for facilitated emissions will follow from 20236covering major investment banks and brokerage services. Those for reinsurance portfolios are currently awaiting approval of the GHG Protocol7while for a lot of other varieties of financial institutions (not least exchanges and data providers like us) no rules currently exist.

Exhibition 1.

Image for Scope 3 emissions

Source: LSEG, CDP. Companies reporting material and other Scope 3 in comparison with non-reporting firms within the FTSE All-World Index 2022, by sector

Annex 2. Characteristics of the emission standards funded and supported by PCAF5.6

Figure 2 for Scope 3 emissions

Third, there are complexities across the attribution aspects. For funded emissions, these are the ratio of investments and/or outstanding loan balance to the client’s enterprise value. However, market fluctuations in equity prices complicate this picture and might result in fluctuations in funded emissions that should not linked to the actual emissions profile of client firms.eighth

Next Steps?

Given this complexity and the numerous reporting burden, funded and facilitated issuances are more likely to proceed to cause headaches for reporting firms, investors and regulators for a while to return.


FTSE Russell’s potential for improvement report addresses 10 key questions on Scope 3 emissions and proposes solutions to enhance data quality.


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