Sunday, February 23, 2025

State of the Dream – An Economic and Personal Finance Perspective – MLK Day 01/20/25

Image source: Unsplash

The weather was unusually mild for an August day in 1963 when Dr. Martin Luther King gave one of the vital inspiring speeches in American history on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. A crowd of greater than 250,000 people, some dangling their feet within the reflecting pool that runs 2,028 feet east to the Washington Monument, packed the National Mall to honor Dr. Hear King proclaim: “I have a dream”.

Based on this touchstone set, Dr. King, within the rhythm of a southerner, a hopeful vision of the long run. Perhaps probably the most remembered line from that speech is that this:

“I dream that my four young children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Dr. King spoke 100 years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Consequently, his assessment of the financial condition of African Americans in 1963 didn’t match his dream.

“A hundred years later the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity,” said Dr. King.

Where are we now

Although many hopes from Dr. King, there are still inequalities in America. None are as dramatic as that of the economy and private finance. As a result, Dr. King’s dream stays unfulfilled for a lot of black Americans even today.

Even because the incomes of black families and girls rise, the wealth gap between men and women and between black and white households is large and growing.

During the pandemic years 2019 to 2022, average household wealth increased by $51,800 Federal Reserve (FED). At the identical time, the wealth gap between white and black households increased by $49,950. As a result, the entire wealth gap between white and black households rose to $240,120.

The Economic Costs of Racism

Racial inequality hurts greater than individual families or perhaps a racial group. It hurts the economy of the complete country.

The United States The economy lost $51 trillion in output because of racial and ethnic inequalities from 1990 to 2021, in keeping with a study by San Francisco Fed President Mary Daly and three co-authors.

Daly cited disparities in employment, education and income between racial groups because the explanation for the loss.

“The imperative of justice, closing some of these gaps, is not only a moral one, but also an economic one,” Daly said.

Citigroup has discovered this Since 2000, the economy has lost $21.3 trillion. This 2024 report is an update of that Study 2020.

Income inequality

One reason for the increasing wealth gap is that Income inequalityin keeping with figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Black men earned $987 per week within the third quarter of 2023, 76.4 percent of the median income for white men ($1,184). During the identical period, black women earned a mean weekly income of $935. That was 87.5 percent of white women who earned $1,069 every week.

Even with a university degree, blacks earn lower than whites. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), median annual incomes are as follows:


Associate degree Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree

$50,930 $70,250 $78,700

African American

Associate degree Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree

$46,950 $56,030 $68,970

Credit inequality

Your credit rating is the cornerstone of your access to lending. rating results in extra money at a greater rate of interest. A foul rating will end in your credit application being rejected – or approval for the user tariff.

The decision in your bank card, automobile loan or mortgage application is dependent upon the data compiled to find out your creditworthiness. Consequently, this information could also be distorted.

“We’re working with data that is flawed for all sorts of historical reasons,” says Laura Blattner, an assistant professor of finance at Stanford University. Together with Scott Nelson from the University of Chicago, she wrote a study on credit. “If you only have one credit card and have never had a mortgage, there is much less information to predict whether you will default. If you defaulted once a few years ago, that may not say much about the future.”

Until recently, black people had few options for getting a loan at a good rate of interest. A generation ago, banks didn’t construct branches in black neighborhoods and limited access to opening hours (typically 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.).

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned racial discrimination in lots of businesses. However, banking was not certainly one of them. Additionally, discrimination in home financing was not banned until the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Bright spot in mortgages

One area where credit equity has improved is mortgage rates.

A Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) study found that this trend led to 2023 after many years of charging Black and Hispanic families higher mortgage rates.

The study covers data from 2000 to 2024 and finds:

“Two periods stand out: the peak of the subprime boom from 2004 to 2007, when differences were particularly large; and the most recent year of data, 2023, when differences declined sharply and broke their long-standing pattern.”

cycle of poverty

The wealth gap between white and black Americans began with slavery. Unfortunately, the top of slavery didn’t end the financial imprisonment of African Americans.

Institutional racism prevented most blacks from receiving the education and financial opportunities they needed to develop into American and Dr. To fully realize King’s dream. As a result, a cycle of poverty is commonly passed on from one generation to the subsequent.

Break the cycle – live the dream

The key to realizing Dr. King’s dream is to fight racism, put money into education and promote financial literacy. At a time when institutions are moving away from diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) standards, these challenges are greater. That is, if we follow the dream of Dr. King and our nation’s founders, we must work harder.

Part of America’s success is because of its wealth of natural resources. But our national wealth is bigger than that: the American people and the opportunities for achievement this nation provides. Denying or restricting the precise of any of our residents to a good likelihood also means reducing the prosperity of the nation.

Like Dr. King in his speech said:

“When the architects of our Republic wrote the good words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they signed a promissory note to which each American should inherit. This note was a promise that each one men—yes, each black and white men—could be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

“It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note so far as its residents of color are concerned. Instead of fulfilling this sacred obligation, America gave the Negro people a foul check that got here back as insufficient funds.

“But we refuse to consider that the bank of justice is bankrupt.

“We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great treasuries of this nation. And so we have come to cash this check, a check that will give us, on demand, the riches of liberty and the security of justice.”

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  • Trump’s plan to “fix the economy” could have the alternative effect
  • An answer to social security requires political courage
  • Fight against rising prescription drug prices
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